210W rms continuous
0.03% at levels up to 1dB below clip, 20Hz – 120Hz typ
0.005% @ 20W rms 100Hz
Hum & Noise: -100 dB referred to clip
POWER REQUIREMENTS: Set by internal plug: normal 115V or 230V setting: Min 160V (restricted output power): Max 255V 115V setting: Min 80V (restricted output power): Max 127V
Quiescent: <30Wv
Typical use: 50W
Max: <200W
Note: 0 dBu = 775 mV into open circuit
This product is built to conform to the requirements for CE marking
Crossover Frequency 40 – 135Hz, front panel pot
Test (Band limited pink noise), front panel recessed switch (LED indicates when on)
Sub bass bypass, front panel switch (LED indicates when bypassed)
Sub Gain –14 to +6, front panel pot (Sub level indicated with LED Meter)
Sub Phase, front panel pot
Sub Polarity, front panel recessed switch (LED indication for positive and negative polarity)
Power, front panel switch
Left channel sub filter bypass, rear mounted recessed Switch
Subsonic filter 14 or 28Hz, Internal jumpers